If you register to create a directory account for your church, you agree to pay a yearly fee of about (GHC100/ US$17) to support the maintenance of the site.

The first year is free. The subsequent years attract a maintenance fee.

You agree that to failure to pay for the maintenance fee will result in your account being suspended. Note that the maintenance fee is subject to review.

You warrant that your information/content complies with applicable laws in your country.

You warrant that you are a baptized member of Church of Christ and your church practices the New Testament doctrine and beliefs;

  1. That your church believe and observes the partaking of the Lord’s Supper weekly on Sundays;
  2. That women in the your church are not given authority to lead worship activities.
  3. That your church does not play instrumentals and dance during worship
  4. That your church does not practice tongues speaking
  5. That your church does not collect tithe, your church does not celebration of Christmas and Easter and other practices contrary to the new testament doctrine as taught and practiced by the Apostles of Christ and the early Christians in the New Testament.

You agree that if the beliefs and practices of your local church are contrary to the above and if the information you provided about yourself or your Church are false we have the right to terminate your account without notice.